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Admob Top Countries High CPM

Admob Top Countries High CPM

Top 5 Countries for good AdMob revenue, Even though MobFox is the number 1 mobile advertising in Europe , AdMob also best paying ads in Europe – eCPM about $3-5. SiteAdWiki - search the top 5 countries for good AdMob revenue publisher shares.

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What's About Admob?
Top 5 countries AdMob high cpm,
AdMob Best CPM Countries
AdMob Best CPM Countries

Highest CPM Rates by Countries,

Classified SiteAds | Youtube CPM
Top Online CPM Site |Average CPM Rate | TribalFusion CPM Rate
Contextual Ad Network | Video Ad Network | Rich Media Ad Network,

Originally,We think like you that publisher only get paid when user click on your ads, but several months ago, Site AdWiki  start to search both CPC revenue and CPM revenue in admob report, so I know publisher also get paid by ad impressions. Although in this case, the CPM (about 0.02~0.10) is much lower than CPC. We think the actual situation should depend on how the advertiser setup their ad campaigns originally.

SiteAdWiki Tips,

You should improve ad placement/duration a bit. far away from the numbers some mentioned here. Standard AdMob average eCPM is around $0.19. I'm also far off the 1 cent per install mark mentioned by RealMayo, it's more like  $0.2 cent at the moment.

The game isn't out there for too long though so this might be subject to change. We would be interested in how often you guys are refreshing ads, I'm requesting a new one every 30 seconds or so. Would it be a good idea to change that interval?.

You must know this?
