Marketing Advantages of Radio Advertising
Radio advertising advantages research - Marketing Benefits of radio advertising business are affordable, accessible, high ROI - Return On Investment, time efficient, measurable results, you can target your audience in any different station.
Radio Marketing Advertising has 3 top tested Advantage - Radio advertising typically costs much less than television advertising, making it more information on other types of advertising, including the advantages and dis advantages.
Cost Effective
When you're out to reach a national audience, radio advertising delivers a much more budget friendly solution that other forms of advertising. Television and Print ads can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to get off the ground. Between getting copywriters, art directors, screen actors, models, video equipment, and studio time, just producing a TV or Print advertisement is extremely expensive. Then when you add in a media buy on national TV or circulation in a major national publication, the cost skyrockets even more. An advantage of radio advertising is that the costs are greatly less than other forms of media. There is still the need for creative, but instead of shelling out thousands for expensive studio time, Union actors, video equipment, and editing, you can have a high quality, response driving radio spot produced for a fraction of the cost. Radio spots simply require less resources for production. When thinking of media spend, national radio rates can be much more attractive than TV rates - yet you're still able to reach the intended target audience. One of the most clear advantages of radio advertising is how cost effective producing and running a radio spot is, more on: TV Advertising Cost Rate.Time Efficient
How long does it take to get a television or print campaign off the ground? How long is the lead time on national print ads? National news publications and magazines are notorious for their extremely long lead times. If you want to test a national print ad, the planning and production needs to occur months, or even a year before the ad actually runs. Television also has long production and lead times as well. It can take months to get a high quality TV on the air, with an affordable, yet successful media plan. Yet radio has an extremely short lead time. Producing a quality radio spot can happen as fast as three weeks, and booking a strong media spend as fast as two. This means, you are able to test your message or brand on the radio almost as quickly as you think of it. The quick time frame it takes to execute a radio campaign is certainly one of the many advantages of radio advertising.Measurable Results
Another great advantage of radio advertising, particularly for direct response advertising is the ability to track results quickly, and accurately. You see, not only does direct response radio track results, down to the market, station, and location, but the results are instant. When you use cpm internet radio ads that track calls, it is very clear within two weeks if the message is working. In fact, if a spot is doing particularly well or poorly, that fact may be glaringly obvious within the first few days of testing your radio advertising campaign. Along with the fast turnaround time, this means if your spot is on this week and you aren't seeing the results you need, you can have a new spot, testing an entirely new message on before you have time to seriously fret over the negative results. In comparison to TV, which can take months to give you real, measurable results or print ads, which are difficult if not impossible to track, radio provides accurate results quickly and on a daily basis. The accuracy and swiftness of results obtained via direct response techniques may in fact be the most important advantage of radio advertising.Radio Advertising Pros and Cons
Radio is probably not the first thing that comes to mind when you are thinking of ways to advertise your business. Especially in these days of social media and Facebook fan pages, radio might seem old-school. But radio can be an important part of your media strategy. To do it right, you need to know the pros and cons.Pros
You can target your advertising to a specific audience. Different radio stations have different formats, from news/talk to oldies to rock. Decide who you are trying to reach (teenagers, families, urban men, suburban moms), and then choose the radio format that reaches your audience.
A 30-second ad on radio is often less expensive than a 30-second TV ad and easier to produce.
Radio ads can be produced very quickly, unlike television ads. And unlike magazine print ads, you do not have to wait for the next issue to come out, more on : Standard Radio Broadcast Advertising Cost.
While a reader can cut out your print ad and save it for later use, a radio ad is very ephemeral, playing over the radio for a minute or less.
Morning and evening commutes are key times when many businesses want their ads to run, and there are only so many spots to go around. This can drive up the cost for those choice time slots.
Radio can often be background noise. You will need to run your ad more than a few times in order for it to make an impact.
Typical Radio Advertising Cost,
Advertising on the radio isn't going to leave you short changed. There is a solution to fit any budget, no matter how big or small, and the return on investment at every level of spend is certainly impressive. Radio has always been, and continues to be, one of the most powerful and receptive mediums available.If it's your first radio campaign, working out what it requires can be a little daunting. You'll need to consider the stations you want to be on, how many times your advert(s) should play, decide on the creative and pick a voice artist to bring it all to life. That's where a specialist can help; we'll take all the hard work out of getting you on air and because we're independent and impartial, we only suggest the best possible strategy to optimize your campaigns potential.
If the advertisement is 30 seconds long and will play in the afternoon and throughout the night, was could be an average cost for that?. People respond but don't answer your question? too answer your question- each time your 30 second commercial plays you can expect too pay about $250.50.
It depends on which radio you would like to choose. The common radios CNN, BBC charge higher than other local radios. So, first decide in which radio do you like to broadcast your add then cost can be estimated
Perhaps the most common set of questions we frequently hear pertain to radio advertising costs. How much should I budget for testing direct response radio advertising? And, with that budget amount, how many radio stations would air my radio ad, More on : Radio Advertising Average Cost.
Why you should advertise on Radio today,
Your market listens to the radio.The people who buy your product or use your service listen to the radio. In fact, close to 90% of the population listens to the radio.
Radio is targeted.
Each radio station is operated with specific market segments in mind, so despite there being many radio stations nationwide there are particular stations that target your specific market.
In the car, at the office, in the garden you can reach your customer on the radio throughout the day or night. This increases the frequency that your message can be delivered.
Radio reaches your customer with frequency.
Advertising works by repetition. You may need to be exposed to a commercial three or four times before you take action. To reach this “viable frequency” radio advertising is often more cost effective than other media.
Radio offers additional promotional opportunities.
Announcers in your store, sampling your product on air, running a competition. Hard to do with print or on TV, but radio can offer this sort of “added value”, personalizing your product to your customer.
Sound is memorable.
Sound is stored in the memory more effectively than the written word. Sound, the spoken word offers emotion and encourages the listeners imagination to produce their own desirable image of a product. Radio is the theatre of the mind, more on: How much Pandora AD Spot Cost .